...to my corner of the universe. I am this site's web mistress Laura and you are my visitor. This little spot is my first real project for my Info Tech 11 class, a web page made purely by HTML with the exception of the pictures which were made either by my skill (or lack of it) with a pencil.

My choice of topic? Myself of course. What is a more worthy subject than little old me? Or maybe I just had a very, very, very, very bad time thinking up a topic I wanted to do and maybe I had been planning to make a page like this awhile back. You choose which is more likely.

Getting back onto topic, here you can find plenty of things about me, including a short introduction to who I am or if you're interested you can read about my family and step-family. Finally, there is some information on my favourite sites.

December 31-To put it simply. The site is done. All I have to do is check for errors.
December 29-I have finally got the final outlines for all my pages made. I've also completed the first page and the table of contents. Things should go faster from now on.
December 20-Christmas holidays have started and I begun making my final outlines. I've decided that the webpage will definitely continue being called 'Laura's Corner'.